Monthly Index
April 7, 2007

Tigre, the Amazon version of Venice, is a river city sitting on the Delta de Tigre where the pulsing Parana River pours into the Atlantic. Lost in its myriads river channels on a boat-ride, we found a little town smiling at us veiled behind the willows called Tres Bocas. With the same enthusiasm that Americans design the front lawn, the delta residents sure compete on their docks. That’s right; every household has a dock so they can flag stop a market boat, a hospital boat, or simply a bus boat to go to downtown.And on the way back, you'd better remember the name of the house you're staying, because there are no addresses! Will you join me for a cup of tea at the "Giggling Witch" before hitting the BBQ party at the "Smoking Zeus"?
Butterflies of Iguazu
April 4, 2007
Butterflies of Iguazu (April 4, 2007)
You must remember how our love story started. Yes, it began with a butterfly flapping its wings, setting things in motion, to finally bring us together. We never had a chance to thank this small creature for its immense contribution, so it was high time we corrected this negligence. After visiting its kingdom, we still don't know which one it was, but if it saw us, it must know how happy we are.
Iguazu Falls
April 2, 2007
Iguazu Falls (April 2, 2007)
Well, you readers are more lucky than we were: Whereas we were visiting the most extraordinary waterfalls in the world, surrounded by monkeys, butterflies and other interesting creatures, you are about to see a few sexy pictures of Patrick and his wet torso! Blame it on the rain. Just a reminder: this album is about waterfalls...
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